
Improving Your Health with Nutrition
At one time or another, many of you may have attempted to improve your health and fitness. You may have asked yourselves, “Which diet is the best? Plant Based? Whole 30? Paleo? Ketogenic? Vegan?” There is so much misinformation floating around on Facebook, Instagram, blogs, and also within our educational systems that even many registered dietitians (RDs) are guilty of being misinformed.
BHN Case Study Report 2016
In-depth screening by the RDN, identifying and addressing underlying contributing factors, combined with collaboration between team members, can achieve personalized nutrition and mental health care, yielding meaningful results for patients.
1. Anonymous ID Number: 2016-6
2. Primary Behavioral Health Category*: AD; ED; X IDD; X MH
3. Age: 21
4. Gender: Male
5. Diagnoses: Mild Intellectual Disability; Impulse Control Disorder; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Depressive Disorder NOS; Reactive Attachment Disorder; Schizophrenia (hearing voices); Metabolic Syndrome; Insomnia; Hypertriglyceridemia; Hypertension; and Obesity. Additional diagnoses that were discovered during nutrition therapy Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Vitamin Deficiency; and MTHFR Allele Polymorphism.